Family Forum

Family Forum

March 17, 2023
11:45 am - 1:30 pm

Linwood Wesleyan Church
1101 E 57th Street
Youth Room

Topic: Spiritual Warfare

Topic Summary:

  • For most people, spiritual warfare is either completely ignored, or blamed for everything. The truth is in the middle.
  • The Enemy is very strategic in his counterattacks whenever Jesus and his church start taking ground. But God is stronger.
  • One of the enemy’s primary goals is to deceive us about Christianity, God, sin, God’s promises, and ourselves.
  • Christianity is primarily an offensive move against the Enemy, not a defensive one.

PLEASE REGISTER ALL FAMILY MEMBERS, INCLUDING STUDENTS/CHILDREN, WHO PLAN TO ATTEND (this helps us with food count and providing the necessary support for child care).

WHAT IS FAMILY FORUM: It is a gathering of parents, grandparents, and influencers of children and students to help fulfill our vision of becoming a healthy Family of Families. This forum is not limited to just Linwood; we encourage any parent to be a part of this event. Forum, at its root, simply means a place, meeting, or medium where ideas of views on a particular issue or views can be exchanged.

Back in ancient Roman times, the “Forum” was the heartbeat of the culture. It was the training ground for pending battles, institutes for further education, and a common area in which all people could interact. Like the Romans, we believe in providing a safe place to tackle difficult conversations while equipping ourselves with God’s Truth.

There is no better forum for this to take place than within the Church. Why not hold a place where truth and grace can intersect as we strive to become a healthy Family of Families.