Generations Sunday & Potluck

Generations Sunday and Potluck

January 28, 2024
Both Services
Potluck Following Last Service

Generations Sunday is where Pre-K through 5th-grade children will attend service with their families in both services. We are excited to have our whole Family of Families worshipping and learning together across the generations.  You can help by leaving the tables throughout the sanctuary for our families with young children. Also, the nursery will be available during the 10:30am service.

We will be hosting a Potluck Picnic after the 10:30am service so bring your favorite food item or just come to enjoy the food and fellowship.

This brunch is a potluck style so please look through the options available as you register to bring an item if you are able.

Please Register what you will be bringing so we have a count of attendees and food.

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